In this episode, you’ll learn about how anyone can afford to adopt as we chat with Cherri Walrod of Resources4Adoption.com.
Today’s show is all about how anyone can afford to adopt. You’ll learn about how to break down the financial barriers that may be keeping you from adopting.
Domestic infant adoption can be expensive and most of us hopeful adoptive parents struggle with how to afford all of the costs.
I’ve talked to lots of folks who get discouraged about the cost of adoption. Many of them lose hope and don’t believe they can do it because the costs seem out of reach.
Does this sound familiar to you?
If so – you will want to listen to this episode because we are going to give you tips, resources and most importantly…confidence that you can afford to adopt.
Cherri Walrod is an adoptive mom of three and is the Founder and Executive Director of Resources4Adoption.com.
For more than ten years, she’s spent countless hours researching financing options for adoption – including grants, loans, and fundraisers. She has helped lots of people fulfill their adoption dreams through her tools and information on Resources4Adoption.com.
In this episode, you’ll learn about:
- Why Cherri created Resources4Adoption.com.
- The biggest obstacle most people face when trying to fund their adoption.
- How adoption grants work and where to find them.
- The unique Adoption Finance Toolkit offered by Resources4Adoption.com that will help you learn how you can afford to adopt.
- Why the cost of adoption makes families quit or never start their adoption journey.
- 4 tools and resources you can use to fund your adoption.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- Resources4Adoption.com/toolkit – Get Cherri’s Adoption Finance Toolkit. It is a collection of tools designed to help you make the most of your financial resources and gain the support you need to build your family through adoption.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/17 – this episode we spoke with adoption consultant Nicole Witt about how you can get help for your adoption journey.
- How you can contact Congress to let them know the Adoption Tax Credit should be made refundable and remain permanent.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/welcome – where you can get 4 FREE adoption ebooks that will help save you money, time and stress.
Question for you: How has your finances limited your ability to adopt?