There is a new adoption app for iPods, iPads, iPhones and Android phones that helps you on your adoption journey.
The AdoptionApp was created by Sharon Simons of MomAtLast.com. She is an adoptive mom who found herself having difficulty navigating her way through the Adoption Process. This provided the inspiration for her to create this mobile organizer & resource guide to help adoptive families.
When I recently downloaded the AdoptionApp to my iPhone, I knew this was something the adoption community needed. I want to provide you with this app review so you can learn about it, download it, and start using it to help you on your journey.
It is simple to use – it helps families stay organized through the entire process – and it provides some great adoption resources.
This mobile app will guide you through the many steps & tasks that need to be completed before your Domestic or International Adoption is approved.
Here’s what the AdoptionApp will do:
- Give you detailed information & documentation on the home study process for both Domestic & International Adoption.
- Keeps you organized with detailed checklists of tasks & documentation that needs to be completed for your Domestic or International Adoption.
- Gives you a ton of resources to keep you informed throughout your adoption journey.
- Provides a handy calendar that allows you to sync it with your already existing calendar to keep you on time for all of your Adoption related meetings & appointments.
- Lets you read articles & success stories about adoption, motherhood & more.
Click here to read FAQ’s about the AdoptionApp.
Click here to watch the AdoptionApp demo video.
Here’s what I like about the app:
1. The Adoption Checklist. It provides home study checklist details and allows you add or delete anything so you can make the checklist customize-able to your adoption process. I went in and added a check for completing our adoption profile.
It also provides links to those items in your checklist that you need help finding information to complete. For example, under the Criminal Background Check in the HomeStudy Checklist, there is a link to find out how to get your background check completed in your home state.
2. The Adoption Resources page. This includes several great adoption sites – including my very own InfantAdoptionGuide.com!
3. The Calendar function. This is really cool since it will sync up to my iPhone calendar where I can add reminders, notes, and alerts.
I’m sure that by now you are wondering about only one thing…the COST.
As of writing this post, the app is $4.99 in the iTunes Store. This is worth it when you consider how much time you can save. Go get it and you’ll be happy with it.
QUESTION: What do you think about the AdoptionApp? Email me or you can leave a comment by Clicking Here.