Many people come to adoption after dealing with infertility. It is easy to feel broken and hopeless as you read another negative pregnancy test.
We may be even wondering if God is ignoring our desires to be a mom or dad. Our guest on the show today is Leann Hale, a mom of 2 through adoption and author of the book Sowing In Tears: A Mother’s Sorrow in Infertility and Joy in Adoption.
You will hear Leann’s story of being a mom who struggled through infertility, which opened her eyes to see the beauty of adoption. Her book is a memoir that will take you on an emotional journey as you read of the deep-rooted pain that accompanies infertility, and the unspeakable joy that is found in adoption.
Listen as Leann explains how God changed her heart as she let go of her dream to one day be pregnant and discovered that God’s ways are truly so much higher than her own.
My wife and I adopted our three kids as newborns after going through a painful miscarriage and then dealing with infertility for many years in our effort to start a family.
If you are considering adoption, if you’ve dealt with the sorrow of infertility, if you just KNOW that more than anything you want to be a mom and dad – then this episode is a MUST listen.
What you’ll hear on this episode:
- How Leann and her husband dealt with the pain of infertility and why it led them to adoption.
- What open adoption means to Leann and her husband now that they’ve adopted twice – and find out what their relationships are like with their kids’ birth families.
- Learn about why Leann decided to write her book “Sowing in Tears: A Mother’s Sorrow in Infertility and Joy in Adoption”
- Why she now donates 100% of the proceeds of the book to waiting families pursuing adoption.
- Leann’s tips (after adopting 2 times) for getting through the adoption process.
- How you can get help directly from me for finding and choosing the RIGHT agency for you through my online course called, FIND MY ADOPTION AGENCY.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- Follow Leann on Facebook – connect with her and purchase the book!
- Sowing In Tears book – purchase the book from Amazon. 100% of the proceeds of the book are donated to helping waiting families go through the adoption process.
- FindMyAdoptionAgency.com – learn more about this unique online course that will help you find and choose the right adoption agency for your infant adoption journey (this is the course I wish someone had created for me before we started our adoption journey).
- IAG Adoption Support Group – our Facebook group is only for hopeful adoptive families or those who have already adopted. Come join the 3,000+ people in this amazing (and private) group to get support, get answers to your questions and learn from others who are on the same journey as you.
- Get my FREE GUIDE: How To Find The RIGHT Adoption Agency in 4 Steps. If you’re new to adoption, have no idea how to find an adoption agency, OR have struggled in your research to find the BEST agency – this FREE guide will help. It walks you through where to find infant adoption agencies, how to evaluate them and then how to choose the right one for you!
If you are interested in infant adoption and want to know more about how to get started or what the process looks like, then get my FREE guide 7 STEPS TO DOMESTIC INFANT ADOPTION. Just go to InfantAdoptionGuide.com/7steps enter your email address and you’ll get it immediately.