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Pro-Family, Pro-Adoption Book with Terri Marcroft : Episode 107

Why do only 1% of women in the U.S. who are in an unplanned or crisis pregnancy consider adoption rather than parenting or abortion?

How can we as Christians understand the struggles these women face with acceptance or judgement – especially from those in the Church?

What if the Church as the FIRST place a women with an unplanned pregnancy ran to – instead of running away?

The United States leads the Western world in unplanned pregnancy. We lead in teen pregnancy, and we lead in single-parent households. We should be doing so much better to care for both the young women of our society and the next generation.

The statistics hit you over the head and says this is an actual problem and one that we can actually help to solve.

As adoptive parents & Christians, Terri Marcroft and I set out to write the book called Pro-Family, Pro-Adoption: A Christian’s Guide to Unplanned Pregnancy Options to be a guide, a wake-up call, and an information resource. It is about how we can all do better to support the women around us who are going through or will go through an unplanned pregnancy.

Pro-Family, Pro-Adoption is all about how we can show women there is a loving, life-giving choice in adoption. It is about showing how open adoption is something beautiful. It is about how we can show our love and support to women in crisis pregnancy.

Listen as Terri and I share what is included in the book, why it is worth your time to get it, read it, and share it.

You can listen to the show right here OR you can read the entire conversation in the transcript below.

Click here to download the transcript so you can read rather than listen to this episode

What we talk about in this episode:

  • What led Terri and I to write this book?
  • Why is it important to get Christians a resource guide and wake up call about supporting women in crisis pregnancies?
  • How can we as Christians understand the struggles these women face with acceptance or judgement – especially from those in the Church?
  • Why do only 1 percent of the women facing unplanned pregnancy choose adoption – and what can we do to educate/support these women about adoption?
  • What resources are provided in the book about adoption and more?
  • Why should you go get this book and share it with others – especially in your church?

Click here to download the transcript so you can read rather than listen to this episode

Links we share in this episode:

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