In this episode, we talk with Mardie Caldwell, COAP (Certified Open Adoption Practitioner), CEO and Founder of Lifetime Adoption Center.
Mardie is a nationally recognized adoption expert. She is the author of 7 books (soon to be 8) which include:
AdoptingOnline.com, Adoption: Your Step-By-Step Guide, and Called to Adoption.
She has been dedicated to bringing couples and birthparents together since 1986. She has struggled through infertility and the loss of 7 pregnancies.
Her most important title – adoptive mom.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
Mardie’s domestic adoption story about how she became an adoptive mother
- How Mardie went on to start Lifetime Adoption Center
Tips from Mardie on how to get past fears about open adoption
How the Lifetime Foundation helps support birthparents
- Advice for anyone who may be just starting to look into adoption
- Mardie’s Mother’s Day stories
Here are the links that we discuss in the show…
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/adoptionagencies –for more information about domestic adoption agencies.
- Lifetime Adoption Center FAQ frequently asked questions page – for more information about Lifetime.
- Lifetime Foundation– a non-profit charity helping birthparents with basic needs as well as educational scholarships
- Mother’s Day Special of the TV show Marie (on the Hallmark channel -hosted by Marie Osmond) where Mardie was a guest along with Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding – and new author of INSTANT MOM).
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