In this episode, we talk about adoption consultants – and how they can help you on the domestic infant adoption journey.
Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed on your domestic infant adoption journey? Have you considered working with an adoption consultant?
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that 100% of hopeful adoptive families have either felt stuck or overwhelmed (or both) at some point during the process of adopting. My wife and I have adopted twice and I know we’ve been there.
In this episode, we talk with Nicole Witt, the Executive Director of The Adoption Consultancy. She is here to help us understand what adoption consultants do and how they can keep hopeful adoptive families from getting overwhelmed or stuck.
Nicole and her husband went through infertility before having their two children. She is a frequent speaker on adoption and is recognized as an adoption information source.
She’s been interviewed by all sorts of media including Fox News, World News Tonight, CBSNews.com and many others. She is also a professional member of Resolve – which is the National Infertility Association.
The Adoption Consultancy is all about helping you build a family through domestic infant adoption. Nicole and her team are the self proclaimed “wedding planners” of the adoption world (love that analogy).
They are your support team who will help you avoid and overcome the obstacles, disappointments and difficulties along your way to becoming parents through adoption.
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Why Nicole started The Adoption Consultancy.
- What adoption consultants can do to help build your family through adoption.
- The difference between an adoption consultant and a facilitator.
- The average cost of the domestic infant adoptions from Nicole’s experience.
- Why Nicole believes you can complete your domestic adoption – on average – within 3 to 12 months after your home study is complete.
- The biggest hurdle for families to overcome on their infant adoption journey.
- Nicole shares her tips for anyone who is struggling with having to wait to be matched on their adoption journey.
- How to find out if The Adoption Consultancy can help you!
Links we talk about in this episode:
- TheAdoptionConsultancy.com – with information about: Why choose us? – Services offered – Frequently Asked Questions – and Client testimonials.
- Resolve.org – the National Infertility Association. Check out their adoption information page.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/start-here – page full of domestic infant adoption articles and radio shows.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – you can find all of the IAG podcast episodes and leave a review too (please!)
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/7Steps – this is my unique adoption ebook guiding you through the domestic infant adoption journey – get it on Amazon.com
QUESTION FOR YOU: Have you worked with an adoption consultant? If yes – please share your experience by leaving a comment here. If not, contact Nicole today!