There is no better way to learn about the adoption process and the emotions connected with adoption than to hear a story from families who have lived it.
This special episode is where I share my adoption story – how my wife and I have adopted two newborns.
We brought home our beautiful little girl in 2007 and our handsome little boy in 2012. Both adoptions had challenges, both are open adoptions, and both of our children weren’t born in our home state.
Through it all, we learned that while adoption is not easy, it is SOOOO worth it.
Like many adoptive families, we struggled through infertility treatments. After 12 years of marriage, we knew more than ever that we just wanted to be a mom and a dad – however that was going to happen.
That’s when adoption became a reality for us.
We decided to go for it, having no idea about the ups and downs adoption can put you through. I hope and pray that you’ll learn more about domestic infant adoption and will be inspired by my story.
In this episode you’ll learn about:
- Why we decided on domestic infant adoption rather than international.
- What we did to find the right adoption professional for us.
- How it felt each time we left the hospital with our children.
- How we got through the wait – the time it took for us to get “the call”.
- Why our second adoption took 2 years.
- What it was like to finally get “the call” and what it was like when we finally were able to hold our first child in our arms.
Helpful links I talk about in this episode:
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/FirstStep – These are the 10 questions to ask yourself to find out what kind of adoption is best for your family.
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/Video – This is the profile video we created for our last adoption.
7 Steps To Domestic Infant Adoption – This is new adoption guide that you can download immediately and use to help you on your adoption journey.
Lifetime Adoption Center – This is the profile video we created for our last adoption.
Infant Adoption Guide Podcast Episode 5: Interview with Mardie Caldwell of Lifetime Adoption Center – This where I talk with Lifetime Founder Mardie Caldwell.
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/Domestic-Adoption-Story – This is our first adoption story.
Adopt Without Debt by Julie Gumm – An awesome book to help you fund your adoption.
6 Things We Would Have Done Differently On Our First Adoption
Things I’ve Learned as an Adoptive Daddy
18 Money Saving Tips for Domestic Adoption Travel