In this episode, we review the adoption book The Eye of Adoption: the true story of my turbulent wait for a baby by Jody Dyer.
Jody is not only an author, but she’s a school teacher and more importantly a mother of two children – one biological and one adopted. She and her husband Jeff went through the gauntlet to add a second child to their family.
The Eye of Adoption is all about their journey from infertility to building their family through domestic infant adoption. Jody shares her heart, her humor, and a lot of detail about her story.
Folks – I highly recommend this book! I read it in 2 days and I’ve already put my 5 star review up on Amazon! No matter where you are in the process, this is an adoption book you have to read.
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Why Jody and Jeff decided on domestic infant adoption.
- What open adoption means to Jody.
- What adopting a baby meant to them (especially since Jeff was adopted as a baby).
- How they researched and chose an adoption agency.
- How and why the birthmother of their son chose Jody and Jeff.
- The one thing Jody and Jeff would have done differently on their adoption journey.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- JodyDyer.com – her home page with adoption resources, her personal blog with guest posts and other articles, as well as links to find her book.
- But the Greatest of These Is Love by Debbie Michael.
- From Pain to Parenthood by Deanna Kahler.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/survey – this is my simple 4 question survey about domestic infant adoption.
- Buy the book The Eye of Adoption on Amazon.com