For many who are considering adopting an infant, the question about transracial adoption will frequently come up:
Will you adopt a child of a different race than yours?
Lots of folks say that race doesn’t matter, meaning they could love a child unconditionally, even if they don’t look exactly like them.
The reality is that race does matter—especially to children as they are growing up in a trans-racial family. While there are a growing number of families made up of different races, it can be tough on the child if they miss seeing the connection to their culture and racial heritage.
There are many things for adoptive families to think about before and after adopting a child of a different race.
On this episode, our special guest Dr. Kay Ramsey shares her own story as an adoptee as well as answer questions so we can better understand transracial adoption.
Dr. Ramsey’s story is powerful. She shares how she was born into foster care and was adopted at 3 years old by a single mom. Even though she was loved, she had always felt different in her family.
Her life turned upside-down, when her adoptive mom passed away and then her birthmom sent a letter from prison that was Kay’s first contact with her. It was through this letter that she learned she was a product of rape. You need to hear the rest of her story and how she eventually became the Executive Branch Director for Bethany Christian Services in California.
If you’ve ever considered adopting a baby of a different race than your own (and you should consider it), then you will get a ton of answers and resources that will help you on the adoption journey.
Here’s what you’ll hear:
- How Dr. Ramsey felt and what she has experienced as an adoptee.
- What it was like growing up in a family where she says she felt like the “black sheep” of the family.
- How she felt when her adoptive mom passed away when Kay was only 25 years old.
- Hear how her birthmom tried to reach out to her and why it wasn’t a good experience.
- Find out what are the most important things to think about as you consider adopting a child of a different race.
- Find out how and why Dr. Ramsey worked hard on her goals and accomplishments to go from studying art in college to becoming an adoption professional.
- Find out the best way you can talk to your friends and family about your desire to adopt from a different race.
- Hear Dr. Ramsey share experiences from trans-racial families she has worked with.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- I was born into foster care. A mentor would have made a big difference in my life – Dr. Ramsey’s article in the LA Times about being adopted and the importance of having a mentor.
- Adoptee Mentorship – video interview (15 minutes in) where Dr. Ramsey and her own mentor talk about how she succeeded in life as an adoptee and having a great mentor.
- Bethany’s Post Adoption Support Center – a great place for adoptive families, adoptees and birth families to get amazing support.
- Willie Moore Jr. – Adoptee, Author and Adoption Advocate – Dr. Ramsey talks about Willie during the interview and how he is an inspirational speaker. This is a video where he talks about his book and about being adopted.
- TheAdoptedLife.com – Dr. Ramsey talks about Angela Tucker and her website about life as an adoptee. Angela is an inspiration and role model for adopted and fostered youth, at a time when positive, candid, insightful role models are greatly needed.
- InTheirOwnVoices: Transracial Adoptees Tell Their Stories – a book recommended by Dr. Ramsey authored by Rita Simon and Rhonda Roorda.
- Bethany Christian Services – learn how you can build your family with Bethany – a full service adoption agency with offices in 37 states to serve you on the infant adoption journey.
- GET MY 4 FREE EBOOKS – help on your infant adoption journey while getting info and inspiration only provided to subscribers of the Infant Adoption Guide blog and podcast!