Open adoption can be a hard concept to understand, especially if you are just starting out and learning about infant adoption.
Hearing stories from others who are living in open adoption relationships can be a HUGE help. On this episode, we welcome our special guest Angela Huggins. She is an adoptee and an adoption professional.
Angela is the Adoption Specialist & Clinical Supervisor for Bethany Christian Services in the Charlotte, NC office. She has been serving individuals, children and families for more than 24 years. She has experience working in family preservation, private practice and as a school-based therapeutic child therapist.
You will hear Angela’s story about how she was adopted at 33 days old and grew up in a loving, transracial family. She is very passionate about educating and empowering adoptive parents with issues pertaining to developmental needs of adopted children and parenting issues in adoptive family life.
Her training and experience have equipped her to serve adoptive families and children in the areas of adoptive identity, transracial adoption, loss and grief and the role of the search process in adoption.
This episode will help you even if you haven’t adopted yet because Angela provides a unique insight into open adoption. You’ll hear how and why openness in adoption soooo important.
I hope this interview provides you with hope and inspiration. It did for me! Have a listen and please share!
Links we talk about in this episode:
- IAG Podcast episode 23: Jake Stewart tells the story of how he and his wife adopted their two kids, while sharing what open adoption means to them, as well as tips from a guy’s perspective.
- CreatingAFamily.org – our friends at Creating a Family do a great job sharing information about all things adoption.
- TheLostDaughters.com – a blog that Angela mentions where adoptee’s share their experiences.
- Bethany’s Post Adoption Support Center – a great place for adoptive families, adoptees and birth families to get amazing support.
- Bethany Christian Services – a full service adoption agency with offices in 37 states to serve you on the infant adoption journey.
- GET MY 4 FREE EBOOKS – help on your infant adoption journey while getting info and inspiration only provided to subscribers of the Infant Adoption Guide blog and podcast!
Click on the play button below to listen now: