UPDATE (Aug 2021): MyBabysFamily is no longer in business. Here is their announcement:
Creating and sharing your adoption profile may be the most important thing you do as you wait to adopt. Putting your profile online is a big part because it will help you connect with an expectant mom much faster.
In this episode, we talk with Brad Lindemann, founder of the new profile listing service MyBabysFamily.com. He is a dad through adoption and is also a birth grandfather.
Brad shares how his family is touched by infant adoption and how that led him to launch this new and unique service. He is very passionate about life and adoption. He genuinely wants to help all those involved with adoption – especially expectant mothers.
MyBabysFamily is a unique adoption profile listing service because they have a unique mission founded on three basic beliefs:
Their mission is to help expectant parents find a safe and loving family for their child, starting with their own. The three basic beliefs are:
- Every unborn child has an unalienable right to life
- Every child deserves a safe and loving family
- There is a safe and loving family for every child
Listen as Brad shares his adoption story as well as the story behind why he started MyBabysFamily and what they are doing to change the world in an extremely positive way. Brad has a HUGE heart for saving babies through choices of parenting or adoption, rather than abortion. You’ll hear some startling statistics and learn about Brad’s heroic plans and efforts to change those stats.
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Find out how Brad and his wife adopted their son – and what a surprise it really was.
- Why Brad wasn’t initially onboard with adopting his son – and find how he changed his mind in just 3 days and he never regretted it.
- Find out why a startling 98 to 2 abortion to adoption ratio was one of the major driving forces behind Brad’s decision to start an online adoption profile listing service – and one that helps expectant mothers.
- See how you can post your adoption profile online for FREE and why listing services like MyBabysFamily are so important to use.
- Find out why creating and sharing an adoption profile video is HUGE for helping make a faster connection with an expectant mother.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- MyBabysFamily.com – the brand new adoption profile listing service where you can post your profile for FREE.
- Frequently Asked Questions – find the answers to questions about MyBabysFamily’s service for Expectant Mothers, Hopeful Adoptive Parents and Adoption Advisors.
- OptionLine.org – this is a pregnancy center that offers confidential support and are available to provide expectant women the help they need.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/welcome – get my 4 free infant adoption ebooks that will save you time, money and stress on the adoption journey.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – you can listen to all of the IAG podcast episodes and leave a review too (please!).
- AdoptionProfileVideo.com – Don’t make a boring profile video – make a great one! Then learn how to share it – especially online – so you get noticed. Go get my 3 free videos to get you started on how to create (and share) an amazing adoption profile video.