We relied on faith knowing that God would bring us our children. We didn’t know if they would be healthy, we didn’t know if they would look like us, we didn’t know if they would be born in our state or across the country. We let God take care of the details. His work surpassed our dreams. His love is unmeasurable.
— Amy Brooks: mom of 3 through infant adoption.
It can be a true test of faith as we take step after heart-wrenching step on the journey to build our family through infant adoption. As Christians, my wife and I can certainly say through our experience of adopting 3 times that we needed a TON of prayer and our faith was definitely challenged.
As with many others we’ve talked to over the past few years, we put our desire to have a family in God’s hands. Our faith tells us that He hears our cries. We know (even though it is really hard at times) to trust Him and rely on his timing.
In this episode, Amy Brooks shares her infant adoption story and how her faith played a big part on the journey. Amy and her husband became parents to three children through the blessings of adoption after their struggle with infertility.
Amy blogs at PrayerWineChocolate.com which is all about her spiritual journey to motherhood and beyond. She describes herself as a dreamer, a believer and a constant work in progress. She has always dreamed about becoming a wife and mother, but the journey to those destinations were not what she had envisioned.
Amy recently wrote and published a wonderful book called “Be Yourself: A Journal for Catholic Girls” which can be found on PrayerWineChocolate.com or on Amazon.com. I recently purchased this journal for my daughter and I can tell you it is AWESOME!
Here’s what Amy says about their 2nd adoption journey to adopt their twins:
“When I made that connection with Sarah (the hairdresser) I didn’t have our adoption profile I usually brought everywhere. I did, however, have my prayerwinechocolate.com business card. That business card enabled Sarah to get a hold of me the day the twins were born. Make sure you tell everyone – and make sure they have a way to get a hold of you when they hear of a baby – or babies – that need a family!”
Listen as Amy shares her adoption story and how her faith played a huge part in the process – especially when it looked like at one point the adoption of their twins might not happen.
What you will learn about in this episode:- When and why Amy started her blog PrayerWineChocolate.com.
- How Amy’s faith played a part in her adoption journey – as well as why she and her husband starting praying a special Spiritual Adoption Prayer.
- What the biggest obstacle Amy and her husband faced during their adoption journey – including how the adoption of their twins almost didn’t happen.
- How Amy and her husband connected with their kids’ birthmoms.
- Amy shares her tips for hopeful adoptive couples from what they’ve learned on their infant adoption journey.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- PrayerWineChocolate.com – Amy’s blog all about her spiritual journey to motherhood and beyond. Connect with Amy at PrayerWineChocolate@gmail.com.
- Pursuing An Adoption Without Using An Agency: What We Did Right – Amy wrote an article about what she and her husband learned after adopting without using an adoption agency.
- Our Lady of Guadalupe: Her Image Still Appears – Amy wrote an article describing in more detail how her faith played a big part in adopting their children.
- Be Yourself: A Journal For Catholic Girls – Amy wrote this amazing journal for girls ages 9 and up. Packed with gorgeous, full-color line art, quizzes, journaling questions, and inspirational quotes from the Catechism and Scripture, the Be Yourself! journal leads girls to discover that they are beautifully and wonderfully made…and that they have a unique, God-given mission and purpose in the world.
- Connect with Amy on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/welcome – get my 4 free infant adoption ebooks that will save you time, money and stress on the adoption journey.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – you can find all of the IAG podcast episodes and leave a review too.
- AdoptionProfileVideo.com – get 3 free videos to get you started on how to create (and share) an amazing adoption profile video.