Can you guess what is the #1 struggle most families face when they are trying to build their family through infant adoption? How to fund your adoption.
The large stack of adoption expenses can quickly get us overwhelmed with how in the world to pay for it all. Lots of folks get discouraged about how to fund their adoption. Many never even start because they can see no way to come up with the money needed.
The truth is: ANYONE CAN ADOPT. I believe that there are so many resources and information available, that no one should be turned away from adoption because of money.
On this episode, we talk with Jeremy & Lori Resmer, a couple who has successfully adopted because they figured out how to fund their adoption. They prayed, they learned about fundraisers, grants, and so many other ways to pay for their adoption expenses. They took the info and ran with it. They took financial inventory, and with limited income, they accepted the challenge and developed and followed their detailed plan of decreasing expenses, having fundraising events, applying for grants, moonlighting, and even selling adoption t-shirts.
And guess what – it actually worked. Within 12 months, they fully funded their adoption and raised over $47,000!
They want to share what they’ve learned through their website FundYourAdoption.TV.
Jeremy & Lori share TONS of tips and stories. You’ll learn how they funded their adoption journey – and how YOU CAN TOO!
GIVE – A – WAY!!
I absolutely love what they are doing to help us all be able to fund our adoptions. This is why we want to do something special – we want to cover the cost for someone (maybe you) to go through Jeremy & Lori’s Fund Your Adoption Bootcamp.
That’s right – you get full access for FREE (if you win)!
The Bootcamp is the ONLY online course that teaches you how to adopt without debt and coaches you each step of the way. Jeremy & Lori developed this bootcamp to help you overcome all of the financial barriers of adoption. The course explains each part of the fundraising process by breaking it down into short, informative videos so you can take immediate action and actually figure out how to Fund Your Adoption!
You’ll get all of the planning tools, resources, and step-by-step help so you’ll have a specific plan in place to fund your adoption.
I don’t have time to go into everything they cover in the bootcamp – just go to AdoptDebtFree.com and they break down the entire bootcamp for you.
They’ve helped over 2500 families already – so they can help you too!
OK – here’s what you need to do:
Click this link to go to InfantAdoptionGuide.com/bootcamp and tell us why you need this bootcamp.
Get specific.
Where are you at in your adoption journey? Tell us your story.
Then explain why you think the Fund Your Adoption bootcamp is something you need right now.
Enter by Aug 15, 2017!
Go to InfantAdoptionGuide.com/bootcamp
We will choose someone (hopefully you!) to receive free access to the Fund Your Adoption Bootcamp. ACT FAST! By Aug 15, 2017.
You can connect with Jeremy and Lori at FundYourAdoption.TV and learn more about their bootcamp at AdoptDebtFree.com.
LISTEN NOW – Just click the PLAY button!
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Hear Jeremy & Lori share their story and experience with raising over $47,000 to build their family through adoption.
- Why crowdfunding can be a great way to raise money AND involve family & friends.
- Find out how YOU TOO can raise the funds you need to adopt.
- Answers to the biggest adoption fundraising questions (how do you start, what works, what doesn’t, etc).
- Find out about Jeremy & Lori’s unique Fund Your Adoption Bootcamp PLUS how you can get access to it for FREE!
- What you can do RIGHT NOW to start raising funds for your adoption journey.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- FundYourAdoption.tv – Jeremy and Lori’s site dedicated to helping you figure out how to fund your adoption.
- Cost of Adoption – Jeremy and Lori provide an exceptional breakdown of the typical adoption costs by adoption type.
- FundYourAdoption.tv BLOG – check out the blog that Jeremy and Lori have put together with a ton of free information about adoption costs, fundraising and much more.
- AdoptDebtFree.com – this is Jeremy and Lori’s amazing course called Fund Your Adoption Bootcamp. They do a great job describing how the Bootcamp will help you learn to adopt without debt. Check this out – it’s fantastic!
- The Cost of Adoption – Episode 44 of the podcast goes into great detail about the cost to adopt and how to save up the money you will need.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – Subscribe to the show and get new episodes sent right to your phone or tablet?
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/Bootcamp – Enter to WIN FREE access to Jeremy and Lori’s FUND YOUR ADOPTION BOOTCAMP!
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