Adoption affects birthparents, adoptees, and adoptive parents in many different ways. Adoption is a lifelong journey and there are times when we have to deal with very difficult issues, which is why post adoption support can be a huge help.
Different types of adoption (special needs, transracial, open adoption, closed adoption, etc.) can bring a variety of challenges. We need to know why post adoption support is beneficial to the child, to the birth family, and the adoptive family.
On this episode of the podcast, Amy Scott from Bethany Christian Services joins us to talk about post adoption support – what it is and why it is important.
Amy is the Branch Director for the Bethany in Chattanooga, Tennessee. She has a passion for serving expectant parents and adoptive families.
She is an adoptee with a very dramatic and must-hear story about what happened to her shortly after she was born.
Amy shares her heart and experience when working with families, sharing stories about how post adoption support works. I hope you come away with a better understanding about post adoption support.
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Hear Amy’s story about how her life was miraculously saved just hours after being born.
- What does post adoption support look like?
- Find out why you (and all in the adoption triad) need post adoption support.
- What types of support exist to help you.
- How a special adoption summer camp for kids is helping them get some amazing post adoption support.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- Bethany.org – full service adoption agency with offices in 36 states. Watch some cool adoption story videos, find out about their infant adoption program, and their amazing post adoption support services.
- Bethany in Chattanooga, Tennesse
e – Amy is the Branch Director. She and her team help families from all around the area.
- The Connected Child: Bring hope and healing to your adoptive family by Karyn B. Purvis, David R. Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine. A book for parents to help them build bonds of affection and trust with an adopted child. It also covers how to effectively deal with any learning or behavioral disorders.
- Beneath the Mask – Understanding Adopted Teens – by Debbie Riley. A book that Amy recommends about how to help teens through various struggles.
- ChildWelfare.gov – another source of understanding and finding post adoption support services.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – Subscribe to the show and get new episodes sent right to your phone or tablet?
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com – get my 4 FREE adoption ebooks to help you on the adoption journey!
Check out this show’s sponsor, Bethany Christian Services!
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