This is is part 2 of the amazing adoptive dad panel where Jake Stewart, Dan Welz and I have a rare talk about infant adoption from a guy’s point of view.
If you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, I highly recommend you check it out first.
Jake told his adoption story in Episode 23. He and his wife have adopted two children – both as newborns. They have open adoptions with their children’s birthparents. Now they are excited as they are expecting their first biological child!
Dan and his wife adopted their son in 2011 and enjoy and open adoption with his birthparents. Now they are on the journey to adopt again!
I’m so excited to share part 2 of this adoptive dad panel discussion with you. We had a fun sharing our stories, tips, and resources.
There’s not a lot of support for the men who are on the adoption journey.
Our hope and prayer is that this episode will provide inspiration to those hopeful adoptive dads (and moms too) who are pursuing their dream of building their family through infant adoption.
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Stories about open adoption from each guy’s personal experience (and you’ll hear why open adoption is so important to us).
- How men can support their wives through the adoption process.
- How women can support their husbands through the adoption process.
- Tips and advice from each of the dads for any hopeful adoptive family.
Links we talk about in this episode:
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/35 – listen to part 1 of our adoptive dad discussion.
Answers in Abundance: A Miraculous Adoption Journey as Told from a Father’s Heart – great book that Dan suggested that any guy should read.
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/23 – hear Jake’s full adoption story.
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/Dads – a Facebook support group for adoptive dads and hopeful adoptive dads.
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – If you like the show, I would love it if you would leave a review on iTunes. Thanks!
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