“If you have a dream, don’t just sit there. Gather courage to believe that you can succeed and leave no stone unturned to make it a reality.”
In domestic adoption, there are so many paths to parenthood which can have you overwhelmed and unsure how to start.
Having an adoption coach who’s survived what you are facing can be an amazing partner to help you realize your dream. They have experience, training and a commitment to families.
This episode’s special guest is Gayle Swift, an adoptive mom, author, and co-founder of GIFT Family Services – which is an adoption coaching firm dedicated to helping families on their adoption journey.
I’m so excited to have Gayle Swift on the show.
She is a certified coach with GIFT (Growing Intentional Families Together). They partner with adoptive families to achieve success before, during and after adoption.
Gayle also co-wrote an amazing children’s picture book called ABC, Adoption & Me with her daughter Casey Swift. I have a copy and my kids love it!
I recently wrote a review of the book on the Infant Adoption Guide blog.
Here are 3 ways an adoption coach can help you:
1.Adoption considerations – examine a variety of important pre-adoption issues and your readiness and commitment to the adoption process.
2.Adoption Expectations – focus on how realistic and aware you and your partner are about the natural challenges faced throughout the adoption process.
3.Adoption Parenting — understand issues related to adopting and parenting a child while maintaining a healthy, happy couple relationship.
What you will learn about in this episode:
- Gayle shares her family’s adoption story along with her wisdom through her years of parenting and helping adoptive families.
- She explains what an adoption coach is and how they can help families.
- She will explain why she wrote the book ABC, Adoption, & Me with her daughter.
- Find out Gayle’s thoughts about the biggest obstacles for anyone considering domestic infant adoption.
Links we talk about in this episode:
GiftFamilyServices.com – Rachel’s amazing blog where she writes about her experiences (and you can find her books).
Coaching and other services offered by GIFT – Find out how GIFT Family Services can help you.
ABC, Adoption, & Me – Gayle’s adoption book for children which has won many awards. My family LOVES this book!
American Adoption Congress conference info – Find out how and where to attend their adoption conference.
The Open-Hearted Way To Open Adoption – by Lori Holden. A book recommended by Gayle to learn about open adoption.
InfantAdoptionGuide.com/welcome – check out my 4 FREE ebooks to help you adopt faster, safer, and cheaper.
AdoptionProfileVideo.com – my new site that will give you a step-by-step guide to create your adoption profile video.