In this episode, we talk with Hal Kaufman about domestic adoption advertising, networking and use of the internet in your adoption journey.
Hal is an adoptive dad (two domestic infant adoptions) and the founder of MyAdoptionAdvisor.com. Since 2008, he has worked with hundreds of adopting parents who are pursuing domestic infant adoption, helping them connect with expectant parents.
After years of infertility and tragic losses, Hal and his wife were matched with each of their children’s birth families in just 4 months from the time they were approved to adopt.
Through MyAdoptionAdvisor.com Hal brings his unique experiences and specially designed training to help you better understand the domestic adoption process, anticipate bumps in the road, and adopt more quickly.
Hal will help create your adoption website and profile. He can even run an online advertising campaign to drive relevant traffic to your website.
In this episode you’ll learn about:
- Hal’s story on how he became an adoptive dad.
- What MyAdoptionAdvisor is and how they can help you.
- How the internet has changed (and still is changing) the domestic adoption world.
- What open adoption means to Hal.
- How to better avoid potential adoption fraud and scams.
- Tips on how you can have a faster and successful domestic adoption.
Links discussed in this episode:
- MyAdoptionAdvisor.com
- MyAdoptionAdvisor.com Overview of Services
- MyAdoptionAdvisor.com Frequently Asked Questions
- Adoption scams – what they are and how to avoid them
Top 5 Reasons Why Prospective Adoptive Parents Should Spread the Word Themselves
- The Infant Adoption Guide Podcast on iTunes
- AdoptionTeleconference.com – listen to more adoption stories – including mine!
To learn more, can contact Hal by clicking here or call him at 612-801-6896 or email him at Hal@myadoptionadvisor.com.
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