With the internet playing a greater role in the ability to connect with expectant mothers, it has become more important for you to make and share your adoption profile online.
More and more expectant mothers are looking all over the internet to find families who want to adopt. Some even choose a family before they contact an adoption agency or attorney.
In our second adoption journey, our son’s birthparents found us online. They were able to read all about us and watch the profile video we put together. They knew a lot about us even before contacting our agency.
So creating an online profile is important. Actually, I’d say it is necessary. You need to know how and where to put your profile online – so you can stand out from the crowd.
Here are the trusted websites where you can put your infant adoption profile online so you can connect faster with expectant mothers.
This is a fantastic pay-as-you-go, no contracts to sign online profile service. I HIGHLY recommend Adoptimist because they have some unique and exceptional adoption marketing tools that will connect you with expectant women who are looking to make an adoption plan. They can help you adopt faster – especially using their amazing Premium service – which is where most of the connections and adoptions happen.
3 Reasons Why You Should Sign Up With Adoptimist:
- They are experts at services we need (internet marketing, social media, etc). Their experience, resources and technologies will consistently get your profile in front of as many eyes as possible. That kind of consistent exposure is hard to come by.
- Families are making connections daily on the site. You can read their success stories on their blog like Kelly & Brett. They had a Premium plan for 2 months. They said, “We matched with a birthmother in just 4 1/2 weeks! And we ONLY used your site; we didn’t have an agency, just an attorney on standby.”
- Premium members get a special guide to help you use their service in the best way – to give you the best shot at making a fast connection. This amazing guide shares what they do for you as a premium member – meaning how they put your profile out into the web and social media – while also providing tips on how to best use these premium services.
BOTTOM LINE: This is a small investment to help make a faster adoption connection. Full disclosure – I personally know the creators of Adoptimist.com. I talk about them, share their service with you and recommend them to you because I know, like and truest them. They help make adoption connections easier, faster, and with less hassle than ever before.
Listen to the special Infant Adoption Guide Podcast episode #65 where we talk all about Adoptimist, how they work and why I recommend them!
My Babys Family was designed and developed by Brad Lindemann. Their mission is to help Expectant Parents find a safe and loving family for their child, starting with their own.
My Baby’s Family was founded upon three basic beliefs:
- Every unborn child has an unalienable right to life
- Every child deserves a safe and loving family
- There is a safe and loving family for every child
In partnership with In Business For Life Inc. (501c3), they have an amazing My Baby’s Gift Adoption Assistance Grant Program. A $5,000 grant is available for the benefit of the next baby adopted by Adoptive Parent(s) who first meet and connect with their baby’s Birth Mother via MyBabysFamily.com.
You can create a FREE profile or become a Featured Family for $39/month that will open up a bunch of benefits designed to help you adopt faster.
They will allow you to post your adoption profile video on your page AND as a Featured Family member, you will get a DISCOUNT on my online course Adoption Profile Videos Made Easy so you will know how to create and share an amazing video!
I’ve had Brad and Deidra on the IAG Podcast so you can learn more:
EPISODE 58 – with Brad Lindemann
EPISODE 83 – with Deidra Bekele
America Adopts!
America Adopts! is all about giving you the tools and know-how you need to stand out and connect with expectant parents confidently and conveniently. Here is an article they wrote about 3 ways to make your profile stand out.
They have their own blog, a nice adoption resources page and they give you reasons why you should choose them. You can even read my guest post on their site, where I tell my story: “My Dream of Becoming an Adoptive Daddy”.
Parent Profiles is an independent registry for hopeful adopting parents where you can post your profile, making information about yourself and your desire to adopt available to all expectant and placing parents who visit the site.
They list many reasons you should join, as well as answering your questions in their FAQ page, and you can even see some success stories from folks that have used ParentProfiles.
Parent Finder is designed specifically to help waiting Adoptive Parents connect with Prospective Birthparents in order to form a successful adoption.
They offer free and paid services. There are regular meetings to measure results each month until a match is made with an expectant mom.
Top 3 Tips For Creating a Strong Adoption Profile from MyAdoptionAdvisor.com
8 Profile Tips from ProfilesThatGetPicked.com
3 Ways to Improve Your Domestic Infant Adoption Profile from InfantAdoptionGuide.com
I hope these sites and articles will inspire you to create an online profile that looks great, tells your story to an expectant mother and stands out among the crowd!