Here is something you probably already know about domestic infant adoption: it is expensive.
Obvious, right? OK, now here’s something you may not know: there are lots of ways to fund your adoption – and there are many websites that can make this easy for you.
Money can be (and usually is) a huge roadblock for people like you and me who want to adopt. We get overwhelmed by the cost. I mean, most of us cannot write a big check to adoption professionals so we can start the adoption process.
Something I want you to understand is…you can afford to adopt. You can do this. Others have done it, and you…can…too.
Let’s talk about some great ways that you can set up fundraising for your adoption – especially through donations.
I understand that fundraising isn’t the only way gather the money you need to adopt. It is one of the tools you can use to get where you need to be so money doesn’t keep you from adopting.
Here are 4 of the best online fundraising sites (in my opinion of course) that will help you get donations for your adoption journey.
AdoptionBridge brings waiting children and loving families together by bridging the gap between the emotional needs and financial challenges of adoption. Their vision is to be the central place where adoptive parents can use the power of crowdfunding to achieve their dream of completing their family.
97% of every donation goes directly to help pay adoption fees, and 3% covers the credit card processing.
You can build a Waiting Family profile to help you raise funds for your adoption journey. With AdoptionBridge’s crowdfunding feature, you’ll be able to crowdfund expenses for your domestic infant adoption.
You can also create a non-crowdfunding Waiting Family profile that allows you to tell your story to expectant mothers seeking a loving adoptive family. They make adoption fund-raising easy!
This is a super easy to use crowd-funding site that will help you get others to donate to your adoption journey. Here’s how it works:
1. Create your site (tell your story).
2. Share with friends – they give you special tools that make it easy.
3. Collect online donations in real-time.
4. Track visits and donations.
Check out their Frequently Asked Questions page and click here to watch the “how it works” video.
One thing different about them – while it’s free to launch your GoFundMe campaign, they have processing fees (about 8%) that are deducted from each payment. Here’s their thoughts on having fees “Other sites may claim to be “100% Free”, but they will charge your donors instead – not cool.”
Check out their Success Stories page to see how others have successfully raised money.
They are a non-profit funding platform helping families raise money to pay for adoption costs. Once family and friends have made a tax deductible designated gift, they step in with the goal of either matching or exceeding that amount. See how their system works and their Frequently Asked Questions page.
When registering as an adopting family, you complete a brief online profile and upload your adoption homestudy to AdoptTogether. Once confirmed as a prospective adopting family, your profile is made available to generous supporters for encouragement and designated gifts. Check out their blog to see families currently fundraising.
PlumFund.com is a crowdfunding site that allows you to create an adoption fundraising page to get help from friends and family around the world. Plumfund is designed for anyone who is looking to raise money but doesn’t love the idea of directly asking friends and family (or next door neighbors) for a donation.
Here’s the best part – it is FREE to use if contributors pay by cash or check. If paying by credit card, the fees are very minimal.
It’s easy to do:
1. Setup your PlumFund with the online tools they have (only takes a minute).
2. Get the word out to friends/family via social media, email or however you’d like.
Then you receive the donations for your adoption.
See their How It Works page for more help.
Unlike many fundraising websites, they do not charge users a percentage of the total funds raised, or any upfront usage fees.
There you go – these are some great fundraising options. OK, I know what you are thinking.
“This all sounds great, but I’m not good at fundraising and it just isn’t going to work for me.”
Well, I understand how you feel – and that is OK. You don’t have to be a super-salesperson or even a simple salesperson for these fundraisers to work.
These websites allow you to simply put your story out there so that friends, family, and even folks that don’t know you, will see your desire to adopt. They will better understand how expensive it is, and they will see how to give generously so you can build your family through adoption.
Here’s the deal: People will donate to a great cause.
They love to feel that they are a part of something bigger and starting (or building) your family through adoption is BIG.
So, give it a shot – you may surprise yourself as to how much you can raise for your adoption. For more resources on how to fund your adoption, check out these links:
How to fundraise for your adoption without spending your own money
Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways to Cover the Cost of Adoption — A great book by Julie Gumm, a must read.
How to fund your adoption without debt – an interview with author and speaker Julie Gumm
Adoption costs too high? Here’s some help.