The domestic infant adoption process is amazing, exciting, stressful, and sometimes feels like you are the only one that has gone through it. Reading about how other people have gone through the process is helpful, inspiring and comforting.
The stories let you know that you are not alone – others have gone through similar things in life and have successfully adopted.
You can adopt too!
Adoption stories are a great way to add some inspiration to your own adoption journey. I’ve gathered some special links where people have shared their domestic infant adoption journey. Have fun reading them!
An excellent agency that places infants every year in their domestic adoption program. They have a great domestic adoption FAQ (frequently asked questions) page. They have at least a dozen stories listed. The couples share a lot about why they love Adoption Associates – they are some great stories to read.
This is the adoption agency that my wife and I worked with to adopt all three of our kids as newborns. They have been around since the 1980s. They have several very inspirational domestic adoption stories. Check it out!
Here is an agency that works with families from all over the U.S. Along with their stories from adoptive families, they have a great page that shares some stories from birthmothers.
This website has an awesome mix of stories: one told from an adoptive mother’s perspective, one from an adoptive father, one about a very fast (68 hour) adoption, one about an open adoption, and on and on.
I hope you enjoy reading these inspirational stories.
Click the following link to check out the story of my first domestic infant adoption.
What do you think?
I am looking to add adoption stories to a new page for InfantAdoptionGuide.com. If you’d like to share your story, please email me.