Happy New Year! 2013 was a great year! My wife and I have had lots of fun with our two kids – our daughter (adopted in 2007) and our son (adopted in 2012).
This past year was also challenging at times for us since it had been over 5 years since we had a newborn baby in the house – which meant very little sleep 🙂 but we aren’t about to complain. We’ve waited years and years for this – so no lack of sleep is going to wipe away our smiles.
I know a lot of you have been waiting too. Adoption is an up and down process. It is a struggle, it is tough…and it is WORTH IT. So if you’re a bit down because you didn’t get your Christmas wish – or if you’ve been waiting a long time and it is wearing on you – hang in there.
You’ve got this – you can do it! Hold on and you’ll experience the joy you’ve been waiting for.
To all of you who have emailed me, sent Facebook messages, and commented on posts this past year – THANK YOU.
Your questions, thoughts and updates on your adoption process gives me encouragement and inspiration! I love hearing from you – it really drives me to continue to provide as much help for your adoption journey as I can.
2013 was an incredible year for InfantAdoptionGuide.com. I’ve shared tons of new blog posts, 10 new podcast episodes, a FREE download (25 Tips To Survive the Adoption Wait) and my new ebook was launched – the 7 Steps To Domestic Infant Adoption.
Here are some of the BEST and most popular IAG stuff from all of 2013:
Things I Wish All Adoptive Parents Knew (from a Birthmother’s Point of View)
Domestic adoption agency reviews: 3 agencies with little or no upfront costs
IAG Podcast Episode 5: An interview with Mardie Caldwell from Lifetime Adoption Center
10 simple birthmother gift ideas
Domestic adoption agency reviews: 4 agencies that work with families from anywhere in the U.S.
7 Steps to Domestic Infant Adoption ebook
6 things we would have done differently on our first adoption
Now 2014 is here and full of hope and inspiration for your adoption journey! May this be your best year yet – one where you become a mom & dad. This is my prayer for you.
God Bless,