The following is a guest post from Madeleine. She had a brilliant idea of contacting Shutterfly to have them create a special adoption profile section, so we can easily create profiles online. Enjoy!
I am an adoptee, an author, a blogger, a profile creator and of course my favorite job EVER, a mommy.
I am always looking for ways to level the playing field for families and to give them the knowledge and access they need to create honest and ethical adoption portfolios, to share their child’s story with him or her in an appropriate way and to keep the promises they have made to birth families.
About a year ago, after seeing that Shutterfly had many more options, embellishments, and layouts than ever before, I reached out to the CEO of Shutterfly with an idea – why not have an adoption section?
Why not, if people were going to make their portfolio on Shutterfly anyway, give the access to knowledge about doing it ethically, uniquely, honestly and in a way that reflects them?
Why not spotlight adoption announcements? Why not tell families about the free websites where they can share with family/birth families?
This is not a project that I personally make a penny from — I just wanted it to be there for families in a real and accessible way, and Shutterfly has put it together.
Shutterfly is not leaving those hanging who need help/direction in creating their portfolio, those who don’t know what to include, including the importance of ethics out or those that want to choose a template and create a lifebook and are not sure what one really is.
Here is the link to the Shutterfly ADOPTION page.
I am thrilled that Shutterfly responded with action when I reached out to them and I cannot wait to see what is next. I will always be looking for ways to ensure that help and resources are available to EVERYONE and that the knowledge of the importance of ethics and honesty are there for all to see.
A big thanks to Tim Elder and Infant Adoption Guide for inviting me to guest blog- acknowledging the importance in honesty and ethics in adoption. Read some more about how to make a great adoption profile:
Madeleine is an adoptee, an author, a blogger, a profile creator and a mommy.