When beginning the infant adoption journey, you’ll quickly realize that you are going to need the help of a professional because the adoption process is a complicated one. While you can adopt by working with an adoption attorney, most people work with an adoption agency.
You need the RIGHT infant adoption agency to help you, because if your adoption isn’t done right, your risk goes way up for having a bad experience. The RIGHT agency may not be the small agency that happens to have an office 10 minutes from your house. It may not be the one your Aunt Sheila’s co-worker told you about. You can and should do better.
Building your family through adoption is SUPER IMPORTANT. You should have and you deserve to have the BEST agency working for you.
My wife and I have adopted all 3 of our kids – all as newborns and from different states. After starting the Infant Adoption Guide blog and podcast several years ago, I’ve been able to talk with many adoption experts, agencies, consultants, adoptive families and even birthmoms.
Throughout the course of our 3 adoptions and learning from so many others, I’ve seen the value of having the right agency work for you.
Here are 3 reasons why you need the RIGHT infant adoption agency.
1. Making the best and fastest match with an expectant mother.
A match is when an agency connects you the hopeful adoptive parents with an expectant mom who wants to make adoption plan for her baby. Making this match/connection is the start of what will lead her to choose you to parent her baby.
Let’s face it – none of us want to wait a long time to adopt. Finding and connecting with an expectant mom as fast as possible means you will adopt faster.
Working with the RIGHT agency means they have the experience to find expectant moms. They know how to talk to them, counsel them, support them and how to make the best match with you.
2. Avoiding adoption scams.
A harsh reality in the adoption world is that scams happen – both financial & emotional. It is awful and you want to do everything you can to avoid getting caught up in a scam.
And it’s not just individuals who scam hopeful adoptive families.
You’ve likely heard about or read the story about how a small adoption agency pulled off a 4 year scam of over 100 hopeful couples who wanted to adopt. They stole their money and their dreams. You can Google it. Just plain despicable.
Scams also come from women who pose as expectant moms wanting to place their baby for adoption. Working with the RIGHT agency will help you avoid these scams because they are trained to spot red flags. They deal with a lot of situations, so they are equipped to help you save time, money and heartbreak.
3. Great communication and support.
The infant adoption process will challenge you – mentally and emotionally. There will be times when you need to talk with your agency right away – which could be at night or on the weekend.
The RIGHT agency already knows this and provides this kind of support. They are available for you and will communicate well. They will work with you to complete your profile, get your homestudy done and make sure you know what is coming next on your journey to adopt.
The RIGHT agency will also provide great support for the expectant mom who is looking to place her child for adoption.
The RIGHT infant adoption agency will be your partner and guide on the roller coaster ride through the process of adoption, so it is worth spending the time to pick the right one for you.
Want to learn how to find and choose the RIGHT infant adoption agency?
I’ve created this FREE GUIDE to show you the step-by-step system to find and choose an adoption agency you can trust – so you can finally reach your dream of building your family through adoption.