Guest Post from Laci Richter, a Mom to two daughters by domestic infant adoption, speaker and author of the book: Refuel Your Wait: Find Hope and Overcome Fear While Adopting
When my husband and I were walking through the adoption process, we were surprised at how lonely and isolated we felt. After-all, we had unlimited support from our family and friends who offered a listening ear and comforting hugs. So why did we still feel so alone?
If you have already started on your adoption journey then you know that this season requires a lot of waiting and unlimited patience. And while our family and friends can provide a loving support system, they likely cannot provide a profound understanding of the unique emotions of the adoption process.
A few months into our wait, while attending our agency’s required training workshop, we met a couple who lived in our local area. This sweet family adopted once before and were ready to build their family through adoption again.
Chris and Julie were able to share their experiences and walk with us through our journey. Their support and friendship during this season was priceless!
So, how should you go about finding and connecting with other adoptive families? Read below as I share several ways that we built our support system in the adoption community while waiting.
CONNECT through your adoption professional.
Contact your adoption professional and ask for a list of waiting adoptive families who are also looking to connect. Your adoption professional should be familiar enough with their clients to connect you with other families that you have something in common with (or at the very least) a family that lives in your area. Haven’t found an adoption professional yet? We’ve got the resource for you. Check out FindMyAdoptionAgency.com and you’ll find the RIGHT agency for you!
ATTEND adoption events.
Now that the country is starting to resume post pandemic live events, you have a number of opportunities. Many adoption professionals will offer training workshops, educational conferences and social events. Take advantage of smaller break out sessions or after-hours social events where you will have a better opportunity to get to know someone.
FIND friends of friends.
The world is a lot smaller than you think. Share your adoption story with friends and friends of friends. Let your community know that you are seeking out adoptive families or waiting adoptive families who are willing to connect with you through email, phone calls or in person.
LOOK for a support group.
Look for a support group of adoptive families or waiting adoptive families in your area that meet in person. Great places to look for support groups are local adoption agencies, adoption lawyers, your church or another local church, bookstores, and community centers. If there aren’t any local groups in your area, consider starting your own!
Here are two great places for online adoption support:
1. The Infant Adoption Guide Facebook Group – dedicated to those who are hoping to adopt.
2. The Infant Adoption Guide Community – a support group inside of a membership community where we support each other through chats and our exclusive small groups where you can meet others just like you!
SHARE via social media.
Social media can help you share your story with a broader audience to connect with other families. You can connect with thousands of other adoptive families and waiting adoptive families through social media. You can also find online support groups that fit your needs and get to know other families before you connect with them.
Yes, making friends as an adult is awkward! But, finding genuine friendship and support is one of the most beneficial things we can do in challenging seasons.
Not only will friends in the adoption community understand your journey while waiting, they will also be there to support you in the nuances of parenting after adoption.
As an author of a book written to encourage and walk others through their adoption wait, I know that there is no replacement for a personal relationship of another adoptive family walking a similar journey as your own. Check out my story when I was a guest on the Infant Adoption Guide Podcast Episode 89!
Excerpt from Refuel Your Wait: Find Hope and Overcome Fear While Adopting
In the last few years I have connected with many adoptive families in person and through social media.
I have listened to their stories of fear, loss, hope, and joy.
They are able to learn that growing through seasons will provide muscle memory for years to come.
Knowing how to ask for help and who to ask for help is the gift of growth.
Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces.” PSALMS 3 4:5
Author Bio:
Laci Richter was born and raised in Southern Louisiana and now lives in Georgia with her husband and two daughters. She is an author who is passionate about supporting moms in the challenges and joys of waiting to adopt and parenting. Her published book Refuel Your Wait: Find Hope and Overcome Fear While Adopting is available on her website www.lacirichter.com and on Amazon. You can find her on Instagram @lacirichter or on Facebook at Refuel by Laci Richter.