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5 Organic Infant Formulas That Will Give Your New Baby the Healthiest Possible Start


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Feeding your baby is one of the most wonderful experiences of parenthood, and it’s an absolutely integral part of infant-parent bonding. It’s also one of the things that parents-to-be look forward to most while waiting to adopt.

However, deciding what and how to feed your baby isn’t always straightforward. Although this article will focus primarily on recommendations for organic formula, there are a few other options for adoptive parents to consider.

There’s more than one way for your little one to get the nutrition that he or she needs, and this is likely to change as you get used to parenthood and as you discover your baby’s unique preferences. Just keep in mind that whatever you choose will be the “right” decision for your family.

Formula vs. Induced Lactation vs. Donor Breast Milk

  • The vast majority of adoptive parents give their infants formula from a bottle. During bottle feedings, you and your baby will form a close connection and can enjoy the benefits of skin-to-skin contact and prolonged eye contact. Bottle feeding allows your baby to be fed flexibly by both parents (or by a single adoptive parent), as well as by other close family members. This can help your little one form loving relationships with all of the people who care about him or her, while also allowing new parents to get some much-needed rest.
  • Some adoptive mothers who want to breastfeed may be able to induce lactation through a combination of hormone therapy and using a breast pump. However, the process of inducing your body to produce breast milk when you haven’t been pregnant can take weeks or even months, and it isn’t possible for every woman. It’s also likely that induced lactation won’t produce enough breast milk to fulfill an infant’s needs, so supplementation with formula is often necessary. In order to stimulate further milk production and contribute to the breastfeeding bonding experience, some mothers choose to use a nursing supplementer rather than introducing a bottle, although parents should take care to ensure that the baby is getting enough calories this way.
  • Another option is using donated breast milk. Although there are some informal mom-to-mom networks and online groups for sourcing donor breast milk, it’s a better idea to connect with a local hospital or a milk bank accredited by the Human Breast MIlk Association of North America (HMBANA) in order to ensure that the donor milk has been screened, pasteurized, and correctly stored. Donor milk can be provided with a bottle or with a supplemental nursing system, allowing adopted infants to enjoy the amazing nutritional benefits of breast milk.

Why Choose an Organic Formula?

While it’s a given that breast milk provides all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that a baby needs, infant formula has come a long way over the years, and now closely approximates the nutrient content of breast milk. Formula-fed babies can absolutely grow up to be just as healthy, smart, and strong as breastfed babies.

However, although all infant formulas contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals, there are significant differences among the many different products out there. Choosing an organic formula is an excellent way to ensure that your baby gets the safest and healthiest alternative to breast milk. Organic formulas are free from pesticide residue, artificial growth hormones, synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). They are also manufactured without the use of potentially harmful processing agents.

Furthermore, organic formulas typically feature a healthier list of ingredients than non-organic formulas. In addition to a base of organic cow’s milk (or organic goat’s milk), most organic formulas have lactose as the main carbohydrate source, as opposed to highly processed sweeteners such as corn syrup solids. Many contain additional whey to make their protein composition more similar to that of breast milk. To round out their nutritional profile, organic formulas always contain a blend of organic vegetable oils and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Many go the extra mile with the addition of other breast milk components, such as the omega-3 fatty acid DHA and prebiotics and/or probiotics.

Although organic formulas tend to be slightly more expensive than non-organic options, you can minimize costs by buying in bulk or by using a browser add-on such as Wikibuy or Honey to find the lowest prices when shopping for formula online.

Organic Formula Recommendations for Adopted Babies

1.    Holle Bio PRE

Holle is a German company that has been in the baby food industry for over 85 years and is now one of Europe’s most respected organic formula brands. Holle’s Stage PRE formula is an ideal choice for any infant from birth to six months, as it is one of the closest substitutes for breast milk.

Holle PRE features a short list of entirely organic ingredients, including organic skim milk, organic lactose, a blend of organic vegetable oils, vitamins, minerals, and DHA. It’s entirely free from corn syrup, soy, gluten, GMO ingredients, artificial additives, chemicals, and preservatives, and it has a great taste that babies love. The cow’s milk in Holle formulas comes from biodynamic farms that meet the Demeter standard — a European benchmark for organic agriculture with stricter parameters than those in the United States.

Holle also makes a variety of other fantastic organic formulas, including Stage 2 for babies from six months to one year old, Stage 3 for toddlers, and a popular goat’s milk formula (see below).

2.    HiPP UK

HiPP is another leading European formula manufacturer, and the brand offers a wide range of organic formulas for babies and toddlers. HiPP’s UK formula is one of its most affordable products, and it offers complete nutrition for babies. In addition to organic lactose, organic whey, organic vegetable oils, vitamins, and minerals, HiPP UK also contains prebiotics in the form of galacto-oligosaccharides to help with digestion and immunity, as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that contribute to the healthy development of the brain, eyes, and nervous system. HiPP UK is available in stages, for infants up to six months old, from six months to a year, and for toddlers over a year old.

Notably, HiPP also makes formulas for babies with special feeding conditions. These are excellent for infants with sensitive tummies, babies who struggle with reflux, and babies who have trouble digesting milk proteins.

3.    Holle Goat

Goat’s milk formulas are becoming increasingly popular as alternatives to traditional cow’s milk formulas, and with good reason. The proteins in goat’s milk are smaller and easier to digest than those in cow’s milk, and thus less likely to cause milk protein sensitivity. Infants with symptoms such as eczema, congestion, and digestive issues may respond better to goat’s milk, especially a high-quality, non-GMO goat’s milk formula such as Holle Goat.

Hole  Goat is made from organic goat’s milk fortified with vitamins and minerals, and is available in Stage 1 (newborn to 6 months), Stage 2 (6 months and older), and Stage 3 (10 months and older). Goat’s milk formulas are a great alternative to cow’s milk formulas, and not just for babies with sensitivity — many babies love the taste of goat’s milk formulas, and they are easier to digest as they are naturally homogenized and have a lighter curd than cow’s milk.

4.    Earth’s Best

Earth’s Best is a U.S. brand that offers USDA Organic, non-GMO formulas made with ingredients including organic lactose, organic coconut oil, and organic whey protein concentrate. Earth’s Best formulas also feature fantastic “extras” such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, lutein, and prebiotics. All Earth’s Best formulas are free from corn syrup solids, artificial growth hormones, and synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. In addition to Earth’s Best Organic Dairy formula, which is suitable for infants up to 12 months, there’s also a gentle formula with partially-hydrolyzed proteins, a low-lactose formula, and a plant-based soy formula.

5.    Happy Baby Organics

Another well-known U.S. manufacturer, Happy Baby Organics takes after European brands by offering formulas in stages. The Stage 1 formula is designed for babies up to a year old, and consists of a healthy blend of organic lactose, organic nonfat milk, DHA, ARA, vitamins, minerals, and two types of prebiotics. Happy Baby formulas never contain corn syrup solids or GMO ingredients, and are certified USDA Organic. For infants with gas, fussiness, and other sensitivity issues, Happy Baby makes a sensitive formula with significantly less lactose, as well as a Stage 2 formula with higher levels of certain vitamins and minerals that is intended for older babies.

“Fed and Happy” Is What Matters Most

As you decide on the best course of action for feeding your baby, keep in mind that the most important thing is for your little one to be fed and happy. Regardless of what particular formula happens to be in your baby’s bottle, the fact that you will be providing love and care with every feeding will ensure that your little one grows up feeling safe, secure, and content.

About the Author: Margaret Lipman is a teacher, writer, and frequent contributor to the Little Bundle blog on topics relating to infant nutrition.

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