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In this episode of the Infant Adoption Guide Podcast you’ll hear the adoption story from new adoptive parents Josh and Laci – and how they adopted their little boy in early 2013!
They share the ups and the downs of their adoption journey – and what it was like to adopt a newborn from the other end of the United States.
In this episode, you’ll find out about:
Josh and Laci’s domestic adoption story
- Why they went on the Price Is Right game show to raise money for their adoption
Tips from Josh and Laci on how to talk with a birthmother
What it is like to be matched with a birthmother
Some of biggest obstacles they had to overcome
- What it was like to adopt a newborn from the other side of the country
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If you have an idea for an upcoming episode, I want to hear it. Just send me an e-mail.
For more stories, please check out my post domestic adoption stories to inspire you.
As we talk about in the podcast, Laci is a graphic artist and she creates adoption profiles. Her website www.LaciMorganCreations.com shows you her “Made With Love” adoption profiles – she can help you create your adoption profile so go check it out!
Thanks for listening!