Open adoption can be a scary concept – and it is difficult to understand what it really means in domestic infant adoption.
Since most domestic adoptions today have some level of openness, it is essential that we understand open adoption. We need to know why it is beneficial to the child, to the birth family, and the adoptive family.
A lot of us – even before we start the infant adoption process, can hit a major roadblock with open adoption. My wife and I had a lot of worries about it because we really didn’t understand it.
Thankfully, we learned a lot. Now, we have relationships with our kids’ birthparents and we love it.
On this episode of the podcast, Donna Nicholson joins us to talk about what you need to know about open adoption.
Donna has worked with children and families for more than 25 years. Over 11 years ago, she joined the team of Bethany Christian Services. She is the Regional Director for Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and Missouri. Her passion is serving expectant parents and adoptive families to the best of her ability.
She does a fantastic job sharing her experience when working with families, sharing stories about how open adoption works. I hope you come away with a better understanding about open adoption.
OK – let’s get into the interview with Donna Nicholson. Here you go…
What you will learn about in this episode:
- What does open adoption mean and what does it look like?
- What is the difference between open adoption and openness in adoption?
- Find out what you should include on your parent profile about your openness.
- How open adoption agreements work and if you should have one.
- How to figure out what level of openness (type of contact and how often) you would like to have with your child’s birthparents.
Links we talk about in this episode:
- Bethany.org – full service adoption agency with offices in 36 states. Watch some cool adoption story videos and find out about their infant adoption program.
- The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption
by Lori Holden. Book recommended by Donna.
- Dear Birthmother by Kathlenn Silber and Phylis Speedlin. A book about the perspective of a birthmother in open adoption.
- The Open Adoption Experience: a complete guide for adoptive and birth families – by Lori Melina and Sharon Roszia. Two leading experts provide a reassuring guide to the issues and concerns of adoptive and birth families through all stages of the open adoption relationship.
- Hospitious Adoption by James Grittern. He takes the approach that practicing goodwill, respect, and courage within the realm of open adoption makes the process move smoother and enriches children’s lives.
- Lifegivers: Framing the Birthparent Experience in Open Adoption by James Grittern. A book about how open adoption looks and feels to the birthparents.
- Making Room in Our Hearts: Keeping Family Ties through Open Adoption by Micky Duxbury. This book helps both adoptive and birth parents address their fears and concerns, while offering them the support to put the child’s psychological and spiritual needs at the center of adoption.
- AdoptionProfileVideo.com – My online course called ADOPTION PROFILE VIDEOS MADE EASY, which is designed to take you by the hand to create and share your own amazing profile video so you can adopt faster.
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com/iTunes – If you like the show, would you leave a review on iTunes?
- InfantAdoptionGuide.com – get my 4 FREE adoption ebooks to help you on the adoption journey!
Check out this show’s sponsor, Bethany Christian Services!
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